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Medication Policy

Medication should be given at home. Should the need arise for a student to be given medication during school hours, these procedures must be followed:

1. Written instructions signed by a physician with the diagnosis, medication, dosage, length of time to be given, possible side effects, and parent signature are required for all types of medication. Forms are available from the Certified School Nurse.

2. It is the parentʼs responsibility to maintain an adequate supply of medication throughout the school year.

3. Medications must be brought to the school nurse by the parent/guardian in the prescription-labled container that must remain at school.

4. If the school nurse is not available, the building principal or acting principal will accept and sign for medication.

5. Over-the-counter medication such as Advil, Tylenol, and cough drops will not be administered to kindergarten to 5th-grade students unless prescribed by a physician.

6. The Certified School Nurse will review all new medication requests.

7. The first dose of a new medication: It is the parentʼs responsibility to give the first dose when the child is able to stay at home so that the parent can ascertain the childʼs reaction to the medication.

8. Medications will be discarded one week following termination date or conclusion of the school year, unless return is requested by the parent. Medication will be returned to the parent or an adult designee only.

Field Trip Medication

1. Children with serious, life-threatening or potentially life-threatening medical conditions may request that medications be given on a field trip. No other medication will be permitted. Any parent who has a child needing medication in such a situation should contact the Certified School Nurse.

Note: According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, life-threatening conditions may include, but are not limited to, conditions such as: asthma, diabetes, seizure disorders, hormonal disorders or severe allergy.

2. Parents of students who receive routine medication during school hours may choose to have the child not receive his/her medication on the day of the field trip. Otherwise, the parent may accompany the child on the field trip or make other arrangements with the principal.

No medication will be administered at school unless all requirements of the medication policy are met.

The use of medications by students in Fox Chapel Area School District schools is covered under Board Policy 210.