Parent Information and Trainings
Ongoing Trainings
- Behavior
- Assistive Technology
- Inclusive Practices
- Transition
- Social
- Response to Intervention
- Interagency
- General Parent Resources
Positive behavior interventions and supports (PBIS) are principles that help all children improve their behavior at school, at home, and in the community. The benefits are enormous. When children are in positive, predictable, consistent environments, they have better grades, better behavior, higher self-esteem, better school attendance, greater motivation, and more success in life. Schools practice PBIS. As a parent, you can too. This presentation will show you how to use positive approaches to teach your child new behavioral skills to use at home and in the community. These skills will be important throughout the life of your child.
Module 1
Module 2
Supporting Young Children with Challenging Behaviors. In this 59-minute webinar from June 2016, Dr. Tweety Yates discusses possible causes of young children’s challenging behaviors and some effective strategies for supporting these children. Connect with the webinar, a PDF of the webinar slides, and a summary of the webinar’s content at:
Behavior at school. What a gigantic topic, for families and schools alike. NICHCY is pleased to connect you with resources for helping children with disabilities with respect to behavior at school.
Having a child with challenging behavior can affect the entire family, and family members often find the need for more information and guidance in this difficult area. The resources listed below are intended to connect families with resources and support. The list isn’t intended to be exhaustive of the behavior resources available, but it will certainly get you started and lead you to yet more information and resources.
Assistive Technology
Gathering STEAM: Planning for Inclusion with UDL
Ever wondered about how deconstructing a traditional lesson plan could lead to a more inclusive learning environment? Using UDL principles framed by CCSS, Luis Perez & Kendra Grant walk the deconstructing lesson plan path and explore processes to design inclusive lessons to meet academic needs of all learners.
Inclusive Practices
Sponsored by NTACT, this online presentation by and 2 week discussion with Dr. Erik Carter of Vanderbilt University will focus on the critical factors of peer assistance for young adults with extensive support needs. He will provide strategies and program components that can help YOU create and enhance peer strategies in your schools!
- Middle School Inclusion Series presented by PEAL
A series of solution-oriented webinar workshops that examined issues confronting parents and educators as students move from elementary school to middle school. Participants were able to join in the discussion from their homes.
Growth mindset and belonging research: What educators and families can do to support students’ resilience during the transition to college.
Getting Ready for Age Majority
This webinar discusses:
- why age of majority is a critical issue for parents and youth with disabilities alike;
- the importance of starting early and building young people’s decision-making skills;
- resources, strategies, and tools for preparing youth for reaching their age of majority;
- the valuable role that supported decision-making and person-centered planning can play in supporting the young person after he or she gains their majority; and
- the part that Parent Centers can play in moving this message forward.
Presenters | Sue Swenson, Dawn Rowe, and Cathy Haarstad
Moving on Using Person-Centered Planning to Support Transitions
Presented by Cheryl M. Jorgensen Ph.D at the 2015 PEAL Conference
This website, which is continually updated, provides youth, young adults, parents, and professionals with secondary transition resources to facilitate a young person’s progress towards post-secondary goals related to education, employment, and community living. Scroll through this homepage to find topics that are of interest to you.
K- 16 Special Education and Preparing your child for Adult Life
Two-part online learning course: Beginning With the End in Mind
Module One: Developing a Strong IEP
This course will give you a better understanding of the Individual Education Program (IEP). You will learn about the components of an IEP, how to use the IEP to get an appropriate education, and a parent's role in developing the IEP.
Module Two: Making Inclusive Education a Reality
This course will provide parents with the tools necessary to work collaboratively with school teams. Questions that will be answered include, "How can I work with my school district to develop education services for my child that are based on high expectations and prepare my child for a productive life?" and, "How can we build a school team committed to classrooms where all students participate in learning?"
Are You Thinking What I Think You’re Thinking? Nurturing Social Thinking In Children. For children who struggle with social learning, day to day life in school can be an enormous challenge. In this webinar, noted author and lecturer, Michelle Garcia Winner, shares some practical ideas for educators and parents to help children with social cognition challenges become better social thinkers and communicators. This session will focus on elementary school age children.
See the Charade: What we Need to Do and Not Do to Make Friendships Happen.
Presented by Chreyl M. Jorgensen Ph.D at the 2015 PEAL Conference
Response to Intervention
RTI & Family Engagement: A Construct for Intentionality. In this webinar, Dr. Darren Woodruff, former co-director for the National Center on Response to Intervention, and Debra Jennings, co-director of the Region 1 Parent Technical Assistance Center in New Jersey, discuss research related to parent involvement in the RTI process. They provide a general overview of research related to family engagement, a construct for developing strategies for intentional family engagement when implementing RTI, and discuss the importance of collaborating with OSEP-funded Parent Centers in addressing family engagement.
This collection or resources provides information for parents and families abour RTI as well as information for schools about working with parents and families throughout RTI implementation. As a result of revisions to the website, links embedded within documents may no longer be correct. To ensure you are able to access supplemental or related materials search by the title of the document on the website.
Classes meet on Wednesdays starting September 7 through October 12 at the DHS AAA offices, 2100 Wharton Street, Pittsburgh (South Side), second floor. All sessions are from 10 a.m. to noon. Registration is required and space is limited.
The series will provide family caregivers tools to:
• Help reduce stress and relax
• Take care of yourself
• Reduce guilt, anger and depression
• Communicate effectively with other family members, doctors and paid help
• Make set goals, problem-solve and make tough decisions
To ask questions or to register, call 412-350-4996.
The 2016 Caregiver Resource Guide is the result of the collaborative efforts of various agencies represented on the AAA Caregiver Resource Committee. It is the committee’s hope that this tool will increase the caregiver’s knowledge of resources, caregiver skills and access to services.
Find the guide on the Allegheny County DHS website Caregiver Support Page.
There are resources in the guide that may be of benefit to both family and professional caregivers as well as care receivers of all ages.
Achieva Family Trust Work Shop
Join ACHIEVA for several new upcoming sessions on a variety of topics related to future planning for special needs. The sessions will be held on Fridays at ACHIEVA, 711 Bingham Street, South Side 15203 from 9 - 11 a.m. A light breakfast will be provided, but space is limited. Parking is free and accessible.
For questions or to RSVP, contact Patty Yerina at 412.995.5000 x589 or email
General Parent Resources
This Tool Kit was first produced between 2006 and 2008 to provide guidance to parents about how to best serve students with disabilities. Periodically updated since the creation.
As a parent, you are an essential partner in your child’s education. Click on the following hyperlink to access a list of PaTTAN publications to support you as you participate in educational decision-making for your child: Parents – Informed. Involved. Inspired.