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English Language Development

Students' attainment of English language proficiency and successful performance within content area classes are primary goals of the English as a Second Language (ESL) Program. Essential elements also include sensitivity and attention to cultural factors while helping English Language Learners (ELL) establish meaningful relationships and adjust to new learning environments. Standards-based ESL instruction is key to the delivery system in helping students reach these goals. The K-8 ESL program of the Fox Chapel Area School District is provided through contracted services with the Allegheny Intermediate Unit. The 9-12 ESL program is provided through the services of a high school teacher who is a district employee. Close coordination between the Allegheny Intermediate Unit's (AIU) and the district's ESL services provides for a well articulated program. The district acknowledges the support for the design of services by the AIU. Ideas set forth by this descriptive narrative reflect the K-12 ESL program services provided. The program emphasizes language acquisition skills necessary for students to participate successfully in content area classes. ESL instruction addresses the ESL and Pennsylvania Academic Standards in Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening to enable student's full participation in the educational program. The emphasis placed on various benchmarks is adjusted to the needs of the individual student. An inherent goal of the program is to provide support to the student in his/her transition to the new culture and school setting. ESL teachers work to develop an appreciation of their students' strengths within the school setting and to ensure full access to the range of educational opportunities available in the schools.

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