Screen Time Recommendations
The following tips from Common Sense Media can help you manage screen time in your household:
Set device-free times and zones: When your children are around, set an example by using technology the way you want them to use it. Keep phones away from the dinner table, try not to multitask while using devices, and turn the TV off when no one is watching it.
Establish screen-time goals for yourself: The secret to healthy tech use is to establish limits and stick to them. Try using your phone’s screen-time features to track how long you use it, then set some goals for how you’d like to be using your phone when spending time with family. Be mindful if you find yourself constantly responding to emails and messages during your downtime. If you pick up your phone in front of your children, try to explain what you’re doing. That way, they know you’re using it for a reason.
Keep distractions to a minimum: Limit notification alerts when spending time as a family, or set your devices to “do not disturb.”
Watch movies and shows, and play games together: Ask questions that will get children thinking, such as, “Who’s your favorite character?” and “What do you think will happen next?”. It will help children make connections between what they see on screen and their lives.