The Grades and Attendance tab displays information about a student's grades and attendance for the current quarter. The legend at the bottom of the page displays the attendance codes and their meanings. Grades and Attendance information is best viewed by accessing the Parent Portal via a web browser. The mobile application does not have all of the features of the browser version. Please note: K-2 students do not receive traditional overall grades and students in grades 3-5 receive traditional grades in selected courses. A grade mark of [i] indicates that no grade has been assigned to the course for a given quarter.
In order to print quarter grades and attendance: Select the printer icon in the upper right hand corner of the window.
In order to view detailed grade information by quarter including teacher comments, assignment information, and section details: Click on a grade in the quarter column.
Course Information
In order to view detailed attendance information by quarter: Click on a number in an attendance column. A blank value indicates there were no absences.
Attendance Information