Non-School-Sponsored Trips
August 1, 2024
Dear Parents/Guardians:
It is extremely important for students at all grade levels in the Fox Chapel Area School District to be present for class daily to gain the greatest academic benefit from the learning process.
We know that family circumstances may require that a student be absent from school for what is termed a non-school-sponsored trip. In order for this type of absence to be considered excused, the request must comply with the district’s policies adopted by the Board of School Directors. Please review this information carefully and complete the Educational Tour & Trip Request Form (No. 204.1-AR) that is posted on the district website or available in the PowerSchool parent portal. This information is to be submitted to the principal's office at your child's school prior to leaving on a non-school-sponsored trip.
Should you have any questions concerning this process or require assistance, please contact the principal of the building where your child is enrolled.
Dr. Mary Catherine Reljac